ANHELO is a collection of 3 outfits for the F/W season based on the criminal theory of routine or everyday activities and the concept of oneirism. The theory of routine or everyday activities warns that there is a clear connection between a person's routine activities -those non-criminal acts- and the illegal actions they commit. According to this theory, crime occurs when three elements coincide; the aggressor has a motivation to do so, the victim or target is something attainable, and the absence of control and protection over the victim or target. This theory was formulated in the late 1970s by Lawrance E. Cohen and Marcus Felson. The concept of oneirism are visual hallucinations that can also involve the sense of touch. These imaginations can be so lucid that they can be confused with reality without knowing if it is a dream or is really happening. These two concepts have been mixed to create a short story that gives rise to the narrative thread that the outfits follow, reflecting the real world, the world of desires and dreams, and being governed by the image that society has of what is right and what is good and what should or should not be done, contradicting the motivations that lead us to want to break these standards, being able to see reflected in their environment any person in their own circumstances but sharing sensations and feelings.
Photographer; Juan Manuel (@juanchimer).
Models; Melissa Blanquart (@melissa_blqt) and Manuel Priegue (@manupriegue).
Works on display and photography space; María Xosé Díaz (@mariaxosediaz @local_de_mariaxosediaz).